This is the 150th Don Martin daily blog posting, since the start on December 7, 2017. To view earlier postings, click on the three red lines at the top right corner, and then click the down arrow by Archives.
Don Martin diary entry for Friday, May 3, 1918:
Don Martin diary entry for Friday, May 3, 1918:
Went out with [F.J.] Taylor [United Press] again. Visited Boucq and the aviation field near
Toul. Some of the American fliers told us about young Chapman of Iowa losing
his life in fight with Boche over the German lines. The others feel sorry –
that’s all. “Got to happen now and then,” said young O. G. Gude of N.Y. Called
earlier in day at French prison and saw a lot of Boche prisoners.
Situation on Picardy front quiet.
Weather delightful.
Fine day but showers at
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