Don Martin diary entry for Thursday,
March 7, 1918:
Another air raid – started 11:30 – over 1:45.
Looks as if I shall go to the front. Mr. Bennett
wires to go to Paris and stay at the Crillon Hotel where he will engage a room.
Things coming along very well so far. Left at 10 a.m. to visit J. A. Whitehead
of the Aircraft Co. Went through his big plant which turns out 150 aeroplanes a
month. Attended a luncheon at his beautiful home on the Thames near Richmond
after a pleasant automobile ride through the country. Made a speech which
seemed to take pretty well. About 70 prominent men – editors among them –
[John Alexander Whitehead was a real entrepreneur and self promoter, who built up Whitehead Aircraft Ltd. from scratch starting in 1915. He got badly in debt and at the end of the war it went bankrupt and he went on to other ventures, eventually establishing successful apple orchards to compete with imported North American apples. The photo shows Whitehead and his wife with the Mayor of Richmond and wife.]
Got back at six. Went to office and while talking to Champion about the orders to go to Paris heard sirens. No one was expecting an air raid. He and I came up to the Savoy. I hung round the lobby after standing on Waterloo Bridge till the barrage started. Heard no bombs but saw place of big fire. Came to my room at 1:45 a.m.

Got back at six. Went to office and while talking to Champion about the orders to go to Paris heard sirens. No one was expecting an air raid. He and I came up to the Savoy. I hung round the lobby after standing on Waterloo Bridge till the barrage started. Heard no bombs but saw place of big fire. Came to my room at 1:45 a.m.
Weather delightful
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