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January 17, 1918 - Don Martin writes about expected German offensive

Don Martin diary entry for Thursday, January 17, 1918: Went to office early and dictated a couple of stories to Baird, whose stupidity is enough to drive one frantic. 
   A story by Don Martin about the expected German offensive, written and cabled on January 17, was published in the New York Herald on Friday, January 18, 1918. 

The Herald is Informed that the British Know of the German Plans for a Tremendous Offensive Very Soon and Are Prepared to Meet It and Deal Decisive Blow of the War
[Special Cable to the Herald]
Herald Bureau, No. 130 Fleet Street, London, Thursday
     Britain expects the Huns soon to start a big offensive on the west front, but she has been told by sources which may well be termed official that Germany cannot possibly rally sufficient strength to pierce the Allies’ line.
     Men who usually speak with the highest authority assert that the winter will end upon a defeated but still powerful German army; that the Allies will be able to drive ahead by slow stages as soon as spring thaws the earth, and that, with the coming of virile American troops, the blow will be dealt which will crush Germany and put an end to her dreams of world dominion. 
     Although the record of British ships sunk by submarines during the last period of 1917 showed an increase, the record of submarines destroyed was also lengthened. The masters of the ocean have found a more effective way of dealing with these snakes of the sea, and now for the first time since the deadly torpedo was employed against shipping the British can say they are destroying submarines as fast as they are built—or, in other words, that the number destroyed equals, if not exceeds, the number launched each month by Germany. 
Submarines Are Beaten
     Thus for the first time England and her allies feel justified in declaring that they have overcome the submarine menace which for many months threatened to bring the great British Empire to is knees. Reports that new submarines large enough to give battle on the surface with cruisers or ordinary battle ships are soon to be turned loose upon the seven seas and that giant scout battle ships soon will leave the Kiel canal to clean the seas of all the allied shipping the submarines have been unable to wreck are heard with disquieting persistence, but England is not worried. No details are even hinted at, but the statement is made that the most recent steps directed against the subsea craft will be effective no matter how many or how large the new submarines may be. 
     Semi-official announcement of this new development dispelled much of the gloom which had mingled with the midwinter fogs of the world capital. With the dawning of the new year a feeling of optimism has taken possession of Britons. They know they are going to win the war with America’s help. They ridicule the suggestion of a stalemate. They say the notion of a peace based on compromise is fantastic. And still they do not minimize the strength or the virility of the Huns. They rather give full credit to the tenacity of Great Britain and the resourcefulness and determination of America.
Objects of the Huns
     With the world war well into its fourth year and victory, in the estimation of England, well in sight, much may be heard as to the origin and purpose of the war, which, not so long ago, was kept strictly quiet. One of the leading men of the empire told me today:--
     That Germany is making every possible effort to get peace and is willing to accept any terms within reason, because she knows that every day’s continuation of the war is, for Germany, wasted military effort.
     That Germany fears economic discrimination and deterioration, and that she must have economic regeneration and expansion in order to prepare for the next war, which will, she firmly believes lead to her world domination. 
Threatened America, Too.
     That accomplishing that much she would have declared war on Russia and England; and America, too, if it seemed advantageous, and would have gone ahead on the theory that nothing could check her march into world power. 
     That if the Allies yield to anything which can be called a compromise—in other words, if they fail to whip Germany now—they will be inviting another war, instead of doing what they set out to do—end the war for all time to come. 
     That Germany knows she cannot win and that her only hope is to get peace by chicanery and propaganda, believing that if the war can stop now she an pull herself together for the greatest war of all in another generation or possibly sooner than that. 
     It is stated also on the very best of authority that Germany is nowhere near a revolution. Her people are suffering many hardships, but according to information brought here through most reliable channels the people of Germany are willing to put up with the discomforts for some time to come, on the theory that peace with Russia will fill their larders late next spring and constantly after that. 
Diary continued: Met Canadian officer who for three hours in my room told me the harrowing story of his escape from a German prison in Saxony. Only trouble is the story is 2 years old. Met Welliver and Mrs. Lerney in the evening and went with them to the James’ Theatre to see “Charley’s Aunt.”  
    Don Martin, a devoted theater goer in New York City took full advantage of the availability of theater during his stay in London. Charley's Aunt, a farce in three acts written by Brandon Thomas, broke all records for plays of any kind, with an original London run of 1,466 performances,from 21 December 1892 to 30 January 1893. The play was a success on Broadway in 1893, where it had another long run. It toured internationally and has been revived continually and adapted for films and musicals.
    The onset of the Great War profoundly transformed the lively and diversified theatrical culture in all big European cities. After the illusion vanished that the war would be over, escapist entertainments such as operettas, farces and comedies showing the “good old times” replaced topical and patriotic plays. The difference between the reality of the war and the cozy world of make-believe was particularly attractive for new audiences such as working women having money, and soldiers on leave. Theatre going provided a certain sense of normality, a way to gather as well as to warm up in winter. 
Diary, continued: Later went to Fleet St. and dictated a story to Champion. The whole Herald office certainly ought to be reorganized or closed altogether. Wrote a letter to Mrs. Welliver telling her about Judd’s joy at showing pictures of her family.

Weather very bad. Rain.


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