Don Martin continued to struggle with how to get to
the front of the ‘big battle’ and
whether to accept an assignment with a regiment, where he would have to remain
for a time. In a letter he wrote to daughter Dorothy on April 13 from the
Hotel de Crillon in Paris, he told her he would to do that, but as the following diary
entry shows, he was still uncertain.
morning I expect I shall go to a town at a point not a great way from here to
join the Americans who are already participating in the big battle. I shall
have considerable difficulty getting around because of my inability to speak French
fluently [His Mother spoke French, but apparently not around her children.]... if I manage to get to the point I am aiming at
tomorrow I shall be attached to the staff of an artillery regiment and may see
one of the vital phases of the big battle which may decide the war.
I must
present an amusing picture Dorothy – a typewriter, a big portmanteau and a
helmet, French and British gas masks over my shoulder. Quite a job carrying all
this junk and there are no porters during wartime.
Martin diary entry for Saturday, April 13, 1918:
Hung around the hotel most of the day. Undecided whether to go with 1st
division or to return to Neufchateau. Think I will do the latter. Met [Burn] Price at
the hotel at 3 p.m. He interpreted during an interesting conversation I had with
a French woman named Chaperon whom Bryan introduced me to. Had dinner with
Price at the Beef a la Mode. On way back with Price met Orr of International News.
Walked in rain with him and Price up Champs Elysee but returned to hotel at
9:30. Called up Martin Green at the Hotel Lotti. He thinks he may go with the 1st
division tomorrow and if he does I may go with him. Went to bed early.
Commodore very ill yet. Apparently has
Germans fired shells into Paris from big
gun. [The start of the Germans shelling Paris with this big gun was recorded by Don Martin on March 24.]
Weather unpleasant. Rain
at night.
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