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February 25, 1918 - Serious news about Russia from Eliot Arthur Sproul

Don Martin diary entry for Monday, February 25, 1918: 
Rather a dull day. Did some work at the office. Had sort of a grouch for no apparent reason and “jumped on” the fogies at the office for not being “on their jobs.” Had dinner at Simpson’s with Judge Neal of Chicago and at 7:30 walked over the Waterloo Bridge to see the women and children lining up to get into the subway in case of an air raid. Saw but few. Good night for an air raid but none given up to midnight (The hour now). Went to the office, got the Morning Telegraph proofs and came to the hotel.
Weather sharp but pleasant.
      Don Martin wrote up his second interview with Arthur Eliot Sproul about his tour in Russia and cabled it to New York. It was published in New York Herald on Tuesday, February 26, 1918.
American Business Man in London explains the Seriousness of Greatest Tragedy
[Special Despatch to the Herald via Commercial Cable Company’s System]
Herald Bureau, No. 130 Fleet Street, London, Monday
     “A world and not a domestic crisis is existing in Russia,” says Arthur Elliot Sproul, an American just back from Russia. “Under the eyes of the Allies the most stupendous tragedy in the history of the world is being played. Germany, with her usual greed and skill, is fastening herself upon Russia, whose better element is unable to act, hoping the world will rescue Russia from the avaricious conqueror.
     “Unless steps are taken soon the greatest markets and the most fertile region will pass under German control and for the Huns to exploit for years to come. This means the Germanizing of a territory and a population vastly in excess of Germany’s fondest hopes before the Russian collapse, which was due to German influence.
     “Who gets Russia really has won the world war, no matter what the developments on the western front, and the Allies should send a friendly commission to Russia at once to bring order from chaos and enable Russia to rescue herself from the Bolsheviki and the Germans.
     “Germany has skilfully diverted the Allies’ attention from Russia under the threat of a gigantic western offensive and meanwhile has engineered a fake peace conference at Brest-Litovsk and schemed for the downfall of Russia to pave the way for a German conquest of Russia, the big feature of the war.

     “Germany can afford to restore Belgium and make almost any terms elsewhere when she is sure of having Russia, which means that unless the Hun ingenuity and mailed fist are thwarted Germany will have material in future for an army big enough to sweep through Europe. The only way the Allies can get payment of their great loans is to frustrate the German schemes now.”


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