Don Martin diary entry for Thursday, February 28, 1918: Began the day at noon with an interview on the labor situation with Arthur Henderson, union leader. He was annoyed at directness of questions I had prepared but finally agreed to think them over and answer them. They are certainly very pointed. Spent an hour in Westminster Abbey. Saw Admiral [Sir William Reginald] Hall [Director of Naval Intelligence] . He says food situation will get worse. Had dinner at Cheshire Cheese. All the evening at the office. Sent a long labor interview Baird got with my questions with Wilson of the Seamen’s Union. Cabled 200 words to N.Y. Wrote several business letters. Also got a letter from Dorothy. She is unquestionably a humorist. Was making a snow woman because she can’t make legs. Sunshine, fog, snow, drizzle, clear, freeze – some day.