Don Martin diary entry for Saturday, August 31, 1918: With Smith [Chicago Tribune] and [Edwin] James [New York Times] went to the 32 nd headquarters. There was not much of a story. The Americans advanced and took the village of Juvigny. I stopped at the hospital and talked with some of the men who had been in the Juvigny fight. They are all from northern Wisconsin and Michigan. Wrote about 900 words cable. Published in the New York Herald on Sept 1. Americans Advance on Germans to Northwest of Soissons in Face of Vicious Fire of Many Machine Guns FRENCH SHOCK TROOPS AID IN GREAT ATTACK Aim of General Pershing in New Terrific Assault Is to Demoralize the Enemy HUNS MAKE FIRM STAND Many Americans of German Descent Show Loyalty in Desperate Fighting By DON MARTIN Special Correspondent of the Herald with the American Armies in France [Special to the Herald] WITH THE AMERICAN ARMIES IN FRANCE, Saturday ...