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December 19, 1917 -- Don Martin departs for Europe

   Finally, the departure for Europe!

Don Martin's diary entry for Wednesday, December 19, 1917Started for London.

Left for London on the St. Louis (American Line) at 4 p.m. Got a lot of presents for use on the voyage and telegrams and letters. Herald printed story about last night’s affair with Hughes picture and mine. Was at the pier at 11. Have got a stateroom with bath all to myself. Now (10 p.m.) the boat is pitching considerably but there is no storm. Weather is mild. Ship is lighted in the smoking rooms, library etc. but not a ray of light can be seen from without. Walking on the deck at night almost out of the question on account of the darkness. About 2/3 of the passengers are American officers on the way to France, and a fine looking lot of men they are. I spent most of the time until pitch darkness on the deck. Hardly seems I am on my way to London + war correspondent but I am. Drew $500 expenses and arranged with office to send $50 a week home to Mother. I’m going to miss Dorothy.

SS St. Louis

  The SS St. Louis, was a transatlantic passenger liner launched on 12 November 1894, sponsored by Mrs. Grover Cleveland, wife of the President of the United States. It entered merchant service in 1895, with her maiden voyage between New York and SouthamptonEnglandFor many years, SS St. Louis was prominent as a passenger liner between New York and Liverpool. On 17 March 1917, she was furnished an armed guard of 26 United States Navy sailors and armed with three 6-inch guns, to protect her from enemy attack as she continued her New York-to-Liverpool service. On 30 May 1917, while proceeding up the Irish Sea and skirting the coast of England, she responded rapidly to the orders, "Hard Starboard," at the sighting of a periscope, and succeeded in dodging a torpedo while apparently striking the submarine which fired it. Later dry-dock examination revealed that 18 feet of her keel rubbing strake had been torn away. On 25 July 1917, her gunners exchanged fire with a surfaced U-boat, some three miles away, and sighted many near misses.


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