Don Martin diary entry for Wednesday, July 31, 1918: Did not start out today till noon. Went with [Edwin] James [New York Times] as usual. Went to Marigny where we and other correspondents saw General [Jean] Degoutte, commander of Sixth French army. He told us he was proud to be general of an army in which are Americans. Said they make ultimate victory possible. Told us all plans of French for immediate future. Said Germans had planned to take both sides of the Marne and make that the path of their march to Paris. Saw him in a chateau which was built in the thirteenth century. Afterwards went to the corps headquarters but Col. Williams was out. Returned at five in the afternoon. Wrote considerable for Paris and about 500 words for New York. Don Martin's report on the briefing by General Degoutte, dated Wednesday, July 31, was published in the Paris Herald on August 1. He was not allowed to name General Degoutte, but was allowed to name...